Do the side quests described in Chapter 12 if you haven’t already: Rescue Cocka-Cocka (para. You are taken to the entrance of the Ultai Palace. The party splits with some going to Ultai and the rest staying to help defend Rillia. Luci wants to head off to Rillia immediately, and Random refuses to exit the Palace, so for once we’ll have to do what she wants. Take the path left, up the stairs and you’re in the Palace. The bridge to the right goes to Fort Khahot Luci realises how it was all interconnected (see LFII). When you are ready, exit from the Airport and there’s what we’ve all been waiting for – Apocolypsia (ultimate). If you want to visit the Armour shop again, enter and select level –1. You also discover that to get further you need the energy from the Pyramid. Daryl analyses the water sample from the Oasis and comes up with a solution. The machine to the right with a blue arrow is a broken shop. Return a few steps and go up for Sector A-Airship.Ĩ. Go left to the end for a chest with 767g. To the left of the path you entered by, is a chest with an HP Beta-Pill. The chest at the top has a Qwark Knuckle. Almost hidden behind the radar scanner is a chest with 2 Indigo Oils. At the top you meet an Invincible Paladin. Return to the main path and go right to the end and up. From the chest go left the chest has 4 Semi-Conductors. Go right and first up the chest at the top has a Bromium Powder. Go down as you pass through the door you are attacked by a Gunner. The chest to the left has a Thunder Powder. The way down is guarded by a Forbidden Dragon same strategy as before. The chest to the right has 2 HP Beta-Pills. Return right and go down into the room.ħ. Go all the way left the top chest has 6 Plasma Guns, the bottom one has 2 Indigo Oils. The gate at the bottom of the first path going down is closed. Go left you meet a Forbidden Dragon: Lethal Punishment, Slasher, Lord of the Dance, Striker. The chest on the right has 4005g, the one on the left has an MP Alpha-Pill. Return to the elevator and select level -2Ħ. I couldn’t find a way to access the side rooms. Go up, turn the switch to ON this opens access to the second floor. The spider drops the Airport Orb, useful against robots. If you don’t want to risk it, try Sun Boomer targeted on them. The only problem with this strategy is that Random may ‘waste’ the hits from Slasher on the lesser enemies, rather than on the spider (Lava Wall is intended to deal with them). Use Random’s Lethal Punishment Slasher, Lava Wall and Striker.
Go up to meet a Metal Spider plus friends. I found nothing in the end room, so continue up onto the next screen, the Warehouse. Go up the enemies blocking the path at this point dropped a Demolition Axe. Go right to the end for a chest with 5 Elemental Bombs.

Exit, and return down to the main path.ĥ. Exit, go all the way right, up and left for a chest with 1202g. The chest in the second room has 3 Lasers. Go left and the party will be attacked and given pox. Follow it round and take the first path up. Return to the bottom corridor and go right. Exit, return to junction and go up into a room for chests with 4 Hi-Jackings and 6 Semi-Conductors. This opens the door next left leading to a chest with 2506g. Continue right go up, left, up into a little room, turn the switch ON. Exit, go down and right onto the next screen. The 3rd computer on the top row has a Bio-Gamasys again no reward.Ĥ. The 2nd computer on the bottom row has a Bio-Gamasys no reward. Exit, go right, up and left into the room. The top middle cupboard has a Magicka Potion. Exit and go down, right and up into the room.

The left chest has 3 Head Gears the right has 5 Head Gears. You might get a Drosorium Axe even if you can’t equip it now. The computer directly in front of you sells weapons and other equipment. Go left, and at the end, between 2 columns is the entrance to the shop. Exit, turn the switch ON, exit and return to the first screen.ģ. The central computer has a Bio-Gamasys Sun Boomer does it no reward. Turn the switch at the top of the room to ON. Go right onto next screen follow path round and up into a room.
This gives full HP/MP heal to active party members only. To the right is a computer with a blue arrow. You can’t explore up the stairs, so enter and go up to the elevator in front of you. Return, go up and follow the path round and up until you reach a blue tiled building. Almost hidden behind a stone pillar is a chest with the Orb of Metal. Go up, cross the bridge and continue right to the end. Laser based spells, as well as Sun Boomer and Lava Wall will be helpful. Select your party equip for fighting robots.