Though I can't be there physically, my heart is with you. I sincerely hope that you all experienced the level of healing that I did and carried away similar insights and new healthier coping skills. I am so thankful for each and every one of you and the ways you touched my life in those 3 days. Hearing others' stories and realizing that I didn't judge them the way I did myself, and being heard without feeling judgment really freed me to talk more openly not just about my own experience but about the topic of abortion in general. I really feel that I walked away a new person with more confidence as a parent and insight into the mistakes I have repeated in many relationships, including my relationship with Christ. I arose from the "tomb" with that born again feeling, like when I was first baptized. The Lazarus one was particularly meaningful to me. The Living Scripture exercises dug deep and healed places that I didn't know were still hurting. I had never credited them with enough understanding of what I had done to judge me the way I believed that women did. In fact, just now, while writing this, I realize that I have also let go of my perception of men as ignorant and unfeeling. The rock exercises helped me realize and let go of the heavy label I was carrying around. I think that's because I've felt judged more harshly by other women than by men.

I know that God made that possible because, even before my abortion, I had a tendency to shut down emotionally and to avoid any real connection with other people, especially women. But I came in with an open mind and an open heart. I had never been to a retreat of any kind, so I had no idea what to expect. Rachel's Vineyard was an incredible experience for me. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places. This sets the stage for greater closeness and connection.What can I expect at a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat?Ī woman who recently attended one of our retreats sent us this letter: See what your friends are saying about Shiloh Retreat Center. We’ll help you map out your conflict cycle, get clarity on what’s contributing to it (e.g., what’s getting triggered for you), and provide you some tools to make progress around this important issue with the goal of feeling heard and understood. This retreat will immerse participants in a mock Work and Witness encounter where we. During our retreats, we help you get traction on one area of conflict that’s important to you. Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene. We seem to rarely make progress on them.Īgain, if any of this sounds familiar, congratulations and welcome to the club! We all have one or two issues (or more!) that challenge us as couples. It’s likely that whatever your pattern-some of us are good at withdrawing, others are good at pursuing-certain issues cause conflict and over time it feels like we’re spinning our wheels (“Oh here we go again!). Maybe you give in to get the conversation over with. Maybe they get brought up from time to time and tensions immediately flair. When these issues come up, we as humans have fairly typical ways of dealing with these hot button issues. Maybe it’s finances, sex, time together, or any number of issues that couples get gridlocked around. A retreat can help you take stock of where you are right now and where you want to go, learn some things about yourself and your relationship that can make conversations and connection easier, and refocus, reconnect, and reignite the spark in your relationship!Īll relationships get stuck in certain areas. Modern-day relationships are tough to navigate as we juggle multiple demands on our time.Ĭouples retreats offer the opportunity to dedicate time to focus on you and your relationship. If any of this feels familiar, you’re not alone. Misunderstandings happen more frequently. Some (or many) conversations are harder than they used to be. You feel a little distant from each other, a little off.

But, if you’re like many of us, one busy season spills into the next, and before you know it, it has been a while since you’ve connected.

We tell ourselves that our partner understands and that we’ll have more time for each other after this little season of craziness. After work, family responsibilities, household chores, community activities (just to name a few), we often have very little left to give to each other. Our relationships often take a back seat to all the responsibilities in our lives.