We work remotely
We work remotely

we work remotely

It's easier to push back on the remote trend and fight to keep the pre-virus status quo. They’ll have to find a new job, and that’s not a rosy prospect. The company could easily carve out a large swath of these busybodies and save a fortune. In their hearts, they know that they may not really be needed. Pretty soon, the senior-level executives will wonder what the middle managers are actually doing and contemplate if they are really necessary or a waste of money. It's already been proven that people have been amazingly productive while at home-without the supervisors breathing down their necks. They can’t micromanage like they used to. With a distributed workforce, they lose their stranglehold over you. You’ll be assigned laborious, inane tasks that will take months to accomplish, but are actually busy-work projects designed to make their managers take notice of how hard everyone is grinding. They’ll ask for ideas, only to offer them later to the top executives, claiming that it was their own. There are endless meetings that allow the boss to drone on about nonsense and you must suffer through their insufferable jargon-filled, pompous preening. Many supervisors enjoy the power they lord over you.

we work remotely


The job of middle and senior managers is to crack the whip and ensure everyone is earning their pay. No longer do you need to play the silly corporate games of pretending you're at your desk all day long. Since you’re out of sight, the only thing that managers can measure you on is output and results. With remote, there is no need for the charades any longer. It sounds sad, but you need to stand out to get noticed. Tell the boss of everything you're doing and make sure they’re aware of your Herculean efforts. Leave voicemails, send texts and emails super early in the morning, late at night and on weekends, I’d advise. You’d also want to be the first one in the morning and the last person to walk out the door in the evening.

we work remotely

When your nosey boss peaked in at 5:45 p.m., they’d know that you are around and working even though you left for the day. Leave your suit jacket on the back of your chair and keep a half empty cup of coffee with the remains of a bagel on the desk when you leave your office. I’d suggest to people to make it look like you’re putting in the long hours. I’d tell them to make sure that their supervisors are well aware of all that you are doing. I admit that pre-Covid-19, I counseled people to play the game. When your manager sees you, he feels that you’re being productive, even if you're just searching Amazon for bargain deals. Pre-pandemic, the goal for workers was to show how steadfastly you labored all day long under the flickering fluorescent lights.

We work remotely